Therefore, Cavendish will have to take up the mantle he’s also got to keep up the other secret duties of making sure the ship hits the bottom of the ocean. Brownlee’s had his brains scrambled from a split skull. Sumner stays on his feet long enough for Jones to get in there with a rifle.
They know it’s the boy’s, and before they can do anything Drax is fighting them, knocking Cpt. The surgeon finds something lodged in the wound as he drains it off. The captain notices a wound on Drax’s arm and has Sumner look at it fluid needs to be drained off it, keeping the two enemies in close quarters a while longer. Then he starts talking shit about Sumner and the night they brought the surgeon back to the ship drunk, when he and Cavendish looked around the place to find some interesting things. He acts pretty confident, to the point he nearly offends Cpt. Drax keeps calling McKendrick a sodomite, acting offended he’s being questioned on the word of a homosexual. This starts with pulling back Drax’s foreskin, noticing crabs but no “ signs of infection,” as well as no indications of swelling. Brownlee suggests he’s being “ reading too many penny dreadfuls.”įinally, the captain gives in and lets Sumner investigate. Sumner stresses it’s not great to have a murderer on the ship, while Cpt. The captain still believes Drax’s story and won’t accept medical fact from his surgeon. That means McKendrick couldn’t have strangled the boy to death, and Sumner has the facts to prove it, taking them to Cpt. We see Sumner look at an old problem McKendrick has had with his hand for years due to his thumb being crushed by a lump hammer. He continues to profess his innocence, though knows it doesn’t matter they want a scapegoat and a gay man in the 1800s was sadly the perfect fit. The accused believes he’ll be hanged surely, considering he’s homosexual. Later, Sumner goes down below in the brig to see McKendrick to make sure the man’s okay. Yet Sumner can’t make himself ignore the reality of what’s happened. He keeps trying to steer the surgeon away from it all. Drax doesn’t say much, naturally, because he’s the one who did the deed. Sumner believe an innocent man shouldn’t be punished for the crime. Henry asks the surgeon why he cares about the cabin boy so much, especially considering the “ butchery” the latter’s seen. Up top, Sumner and Drax have a chat, as well. He also discusses the recent forcible sodomy and murder that occurred on board: “ Evil times we live in.” That’s in spite of saying he could “ halfway understand” someone raping a girl. He’s being told that things need to move forward. 4, click here.Ĭaptain Brownlee’s having a meeting about plans for the ship. Su Nian Qin tells her to recall the last words she said to him when they argued at his place.* For a recap & review of Ep. Su Nian Qin coolly walks in and tells everyone Sang Wu Yan is his fiancée. Our CEO saves our humiliated Cinderella Sang Wu Yan. Nodding as if understanding, Sang Wu Yan leaves, but she brings down a table with her. It seems he wants to prove to everyone that he can do it too. This conversation turns meaningful when he reveals that Su Nian Qin has enough money to live for generations but he continues to work hard. Sang Wu Yan counters, "I came from the main entrance." I love her. The logical conclusion is that she sneaked in here. She replies that It's regular street clothes, and I don't even know why I'm here. Sang Wu Yan clarifies she's not afraid of him, she's afraid she means harm to him, lol!.

While he's socializing, she hangs out at the fruit station. She's dying to escape but he threatens he'll kiss her in public if she dares. And he reminds her anything he gives her is hers forever. Su Nian Qin's (overbearing CEO style) pursuit of Sang Wu Yan doesn’t cease.